Congratulations, you were chosen by your fellow Scouts in to be a candidate for membership in the Order of the Arrow as part of Egwa Tawa Dee Lodge which comprises the scouting units in the Atlanta Area Council. The next step toward full membership in the Order is to attend one of the three Induction weekends hosted at our Atlanta Area Council Camps. You must attend an Induction weekend within 12 months of your election.
The Induction is a weekend experience in which those elected or selected learn about the customs and traditions of the Order of the Arrow and undertake a journey to discover the true meanings of leadership, cheerful service, and the Brotherhood of Scouting. You might think that this sounds like a lot to do. It is, but we have faith that you can do it.
The Induction is offered three times a year and must be completed within 1 year of election (nomination for adults). Please make every effort to attend either the Spring or Summer Inductions rather than waiting until the Fall Induction as if something happens and you miss the final induction weekend, you must requalify for that election and be re-elected the following year.
Check-in for each Induction begins at 6 PM and closes at 8:30 PM. You must check in by 8:30 PM, late arrivals and walk ins are unfortunately not permitted. You must stay until you are dismissed Sunday morning by approximately 10:00 am. The activities Saturday night and Sunday morning are designed to enrich your induction experience and are required to complete the induction process. You are not free to leave Saturday night.
If the religious customs and observances of a candidate (such as Sabbath-observant Jewish Scouts or LDS Scouts) precludes attendance for part of the Scheduled Induction Weekend, it is the Candidate’s responsibility to contact the Chapter Adviser before the registration deadline for the first Induction Weekend for instructions on how to submit a request for religious accommodation. Requests for a religious accommodation for Induction can only be approved by the Lodge Adviser.
Select a date below, click “Register Now”. You’ll be taken to the Lodge Registration Square Site. Please look for the “Induction Weekends for Candidates Section” and select from one of the options each year.
May 2 - May 4, 2025
Register By: April 23rd, 2025
Woodruff Scout Camp
Aug 29 - Aug 31, 2025
Register By: Aug 20, 2025
Bert Adams Scout Camp
Nov 7 - 9, 2025
Register By: Oct 29, 2025
Bert Adams Scout Camp
Preparing for your Induction:
Pack for this event like any weekend camping trip. Bring a tent, tarp, sleeping gear, rain gear, full Class A uniform for your induction ceremony and work clothes for service projects during the weekend. You do not need any cooking gear as all meals are provided during the weekend. A detailed packing list can be downloaded below.
The weekend will consist of several ceremonies and service projects that run beginning upon arrival Friday evening and running through Saturday afternoon and conclude with a final ceremony welcoming candidates into the OA. Saturday evening will consist of activities designed to welcome our new members. The Induction weekend concludes Sunday morning at approximately 10am after breakfast and a morning program designed to explain more about the OA, the Egwa Tawa Dee Lodge, and meet the Lodge Leadership. A detailed schedule can be downloaded below.
Upon being elected, each candidate should have received Spirit of the Arrow: Book I – Upon a Lofty Journey. This is the first of several booklets that candidates will received throughout the weekend to help explain the process and encourage them. If you are a candidate and have not received Book I, it can be downloaded below.
Please remember to stop for food as you head to camp. Dinner will not be served Friday evening.
Need to Change Induction Weekends?
Need to Change Induction Weekends?
It happens. You have registered for Induction and paid the fee. You’re all set but then something happens, and you need to switch to a different date. Don’t worry; it’s easy to do. Just follow the steps below. There is no fee to change induction weekends.
If you need to change the weekend for your induction, just follow these steps:
1. Select a different induction weekend.
2. Send an email to [email protected] (the lodge registrar) and let us know, which induction weekend you are currently registered for, that date you need to switch to. Make sure you include your full name, unit and BSA registration #.
The lodge registrar will send you an email confirming that you have been switched to the new date. Since you have already paid for induction, you do not have to pay again.
One important note, the new date must be within the deadline you have for induction. If you were elected after 1/1/2023, that is 18 months from the date of your election.
If you cannot attend induction due to health issues or other circumstances beyond your control, please let us know. Under some circumstances, the Lodge Executive Committee can grant you an extension.
As a candidate the fee you pay covers the induction weekend fees and dues for the current year. DO NOT pay dues if you are paying to attend as a candidate.
Click the Directions button below to get dirivng directions.
Click the Directions button below to get dirivng directions.